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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Presitgious Kindergarten - Chances?.

Got the following post from Whartons discussion forums. Presitgious Kindergarten - Chances?. I am not sure in which categaory I want to classify this, a frustrated soul, a lost case, a person baring the stark truth about the MBA admissions in the top B-Schools accross the world. Whatever this may be, it surely caught my attention. One more thing, this post certainly can be a contender for the FUKAT competition

Hello Everyone!
My name is George Jones and I have just turned 4 years old and graduated from the most prestigious Kindergarten in South Forktownship, Connecticut. I am preparing myself for a prestigious MBA program at Wharton or Harvard in 23 years (Class of 2032) and I wanted to talk about what I have been doing to prepare and what I need to do in order to best position myself.
I am practicing my leadership and management skills daily. I have been cited for my strong leadership of naptime setup and takedown coordination and supply chain management by my superiors and peers alike. I innovated and overhauled the antiquated corporate procedures to integrate a network centric approach to pillow management, and greatly increased the average nap user floor space per captia output.
My recommendations are well developed, as I already have several Ivy League and MBA Kindergarten teachers and daycare staff who have volunteered to recommend me for MBA programs. They cite my innovation and drive in daily examples for younger day-care students to follow, specifically in my round table leadership of complicated sandbox projects to utilize all available resources and labor without anybody going to cry in the corner or get sand thrown in their eyes for 40 days running!
I have talked to my parents seriously about moving the family to a different district and state to better position myself in the public school system and give myself the best Elementary pedigree for MBA programs to examine.
My parents are both Fortune 500 Vice Presidents and have assured me that I am not adopted, and therefore my genetic quality is of the highest caliber, which will help me succeed in business and in the Wharton MBA admissions process.
My determination and team building were demonstrated when I single handedly lead a revolt of my Pre-School against the tyrannical and monopolistic juice box practices of the food catering contractor. The teachers and administrators involved are now being investigated for insider trading, and I am authoring a book entitled β€œThe Kiddie School Whistle-Blower – My Life and Times.” Pre-release reviews expect this to be a New York Times bestseller.
These measures, plus excellent grades in elementary school, a high-powered New England boarding school, a strong Ivy League degree, 5 years of intense work experience at a top five consulting firm – Will this prepare me well to get into Wharton?
Please tell me what you think?
GeorgeCorner Nap Spot
Giant Steps Kindergarten
South Forktownship, CT

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Darna Zaroori nahin hai(take the title seriously and be at home)

So I take and extended leave and make it four days in a row. With nothing to do on a hot Mumbai afternoon we decide to watch a flick, the shows running are Gangster and Darna Zaroori Hai(DZH). Now all you know Gangster has a role played by the one who shall not be named on this blog, lest this blog looses all its relevance. I love Shiney's acting skills and Kangna looks stunning, plus the songs but I decided against watching them as the scorn for the third is gr8er thn the combined liking for the other two and end up watching DZH.

So back to DZH, giving a preview on what the movie can be I let you know that there were hardly 10-15 ppl!! in the theatre. The movie peomises a lot but fails on almost all counts, I would like to compare it with an analogy here. Take the example of a Guitar artist people love his guitars since each one is handmade and customised for a specific audience. This person does roaring business and decides to hire 10 people and start manufacturing Guitars in lots and he only directs his artists as to how to work rather then himself doing anything, what comes out of this "factory" is not so gr8 quality and finesse. The same can be said about RGV, the person who gave us movies like Rangeela,Shiva, Bhoot etc now has a "Factory" that dishes crap like James(I didn't watch it though), Vaastu Shastra, Darna Mana hai and now Darna Zaroori hai.

The movie is supposed to a horror I assume but it seems more like a comedy from start to end or it seems the director was confused as to what he wanted the movie to be. The movie hardly has any spooky moments, not even one where you would jump out of your seat or even come to the edge. All the stories seem to be like heard somewhere and the presentation, seen somwhere before, some too short make an impact, some too stupid to catch attention. Worst of all they have shown 5 kids lost in the jungle dying of heart attacks!! at the tender age of 10-12!!. The movie is fast paced though and doesn't drag on more than it should. The cinematography seems lacking at times, probably with the intentions of keeping dark backgrounds which all RGV horror flicks try to capture and go over the board rendering the screen unappealing obviously except Bhoot.

The performaces are more or less just ok, the better ones come from the D-guy Hooda and the lady M. who shall again not be named on this blog for earlier mentioned reasons, If I had known that this lady was a part of the cast I would have surely avoided this one too. Rampal does look good in the scene where he has to play scared like hell, but looks utterly stipid when playing the Ghost, Big B's presence is too short to make and impact. The rest are just ok. All in all a must avoid.

Planning "Pink Panther" today so one more review on its way.
